How Do You Stay Organized While Moving?

How Do You Stay Organized While Moving?

Finding a new home or buying a new house is such a wonderful and exciting experience! Although it is fantastic, it can quickly turn into the ashes of your original enthusiasm. Finding a fresh start with a fresher home seems great until you come around to moving all of your stuff and organizing it. Moving is the match that can set fire to an already emotional and potentially volatile situation. Let's avoid that.

If you can tell by the intro of this blog post, recently, my partner and I purchased another house! As my business has grown, so have our needs for more effective space specifically a garage. We have moved many, many times in our lives, which is why, when he realized we have to move again, my husband instantly became overwhelmed. Another layer that can add stress is upgrades to your old and new house. It can be very challenging to manage it all. However, I am deciding to finally take my own advice and become better at preparing for the inevitable. And hopefully, these tips will help mitigate your stress too! 

Here are 5 ways to help you stay sane during the moving experience:

  • Organize in Advance!
    • If you have any access to blueprints or the floor plan of your new home or feel comfortable making one, make sure to organize your house ahead of time. If you already know where most of your belongings are going, it will make the transition a lot quicker and more efficient.

House Blueprint Notes

  • Schedule Contractors Ahead of Time!
    • If the previous owners are given extra time to move after close, try to schedule exterior contractors in advance (e.g. roof, siding, chimney, etc.). Once you know your closing date, immediately reach out to schedule the contractors after that date. And, make sure to discuss this with the previous owners to ensure it does not interfere with their lives too much as well.

Roofing Example

  • Inconvenient Aesthetics List
    • Are you definitely painting? Or, maybe you're replacing fixtures? It could be you need to add shelving in the garage. If you know exactly what you want and need out of your home, it would be to your benefit to higher a handy person before you move in. Trying to finish any interior upgrades that might cause unnecessary chaos in the future, would relieve so much long-term stress.



  • Make a List and Check it Twice
    • What do you want out of your home? Are there home improvements in the future that you want to add? Or, maybe you need to upgrade your windows or appliances in the next few years? Once you create this list, prioritize it, add notes, and hang it on your fridge. As you complete something, you cross it off! This will help relieve your brain from trying to remember all of the little things that you forget along the way. Here is a free template you can download!

The Market Made Home Improvement ChecklistHome Improvement List with 3 Columns

  • Labels & Room Assignments
    • If you are currently moving but haven't found a home yet, you can make the transition easier by labeling the boxes in advance and giving room assignments. If you know what you are looking for in a house (e.g. number of bedrooms, bathrooms, etc.), you probably can start prepping for the obvious! For example, all of the kitchen supplies go in the kitchen, toiletries in the bathroom, cleaning supplies in a closet or cabinet, camping gear in a plastic tub in the basement, choose paint colors or the aesthetic you like ahead of time, etc. 
    • For paint colors and aesthetic, you can purchase sample colors in advance and if you have extra drywall, make sure to prime it first then sample the colors! Also, for your aesthetic, start looking for the decor and styles you like in advance.

Moving can be overwhelming and stressful, but make it easier on yourself by thinking ahead. I hope these tips will help you during this exciting time! Congratulations on your move and/or good luck on your house hunting adventures! I will be posting about our move, home improvements, and my business on social media as well. So, make sure to follow @themarketmade on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest! Have a wonderful day!


