What Do You Get When You Become a Subscriber?

First-Time Subscribers Get:

  • A One-Time 20% OFF DISCOUNT
  • Access to our Holiday Discounts & Promotions
  • Information on our Annual Contributions to Non-Profits
  • No Spam Emailing
    • The Market Made is dedicated to curating our business around you and our community, which means... If we hate spam emails and irrelevant info, you probably do too!
    • Currently, we only send a few holiday promotional emails and our end-of-the-year in review email!
    • In the future, we will be sending out Quarterly emails (maybe monthly) for the following:
      • Event Calendar Updates
      • Free and Fun Content
      • New Products
  • Our FUTURE, Future Plan is ALSO emailing:
    • Exclusive Content
      • DIY, Ask the Expert, Product Testing Opportunities
      • We RARELY throw anything away. 
      • That being said, we may have a surplus of small items like our handmade mini magnets, stickers, or recycled concrete products. So... you may get a little somethin', somethin' for sharing our social media, making a purchase, or just supporting us!